Adding Schedules

How to set a door to open in a specific time for the users

A schedule defines what users/groups have access to which doors at a specific time. Schedules are useful if you want to restrict access or trigger methods for certain users/groups.

To add a Schedule

  1. Select Schedules from the left menu
  2. Click on Add Schedules

  3. Add the name for the schedule (e.g. Weekday Working Hours, Night Shift)
  4. Add a description for the schedule
  5. Select the site(s)
  6. Click Next
  7. Add The Time for the schedule (e.g. 8:00am to 6:00pm)
  8. Select what repeating days of the week
  9. Select the valid period, from today until when you want the schedule active.
  10. Click Add, the Next

  11. Select what users or groups to add to this schedule.

  12. Click Next
  13. Select the doors you want to add to this schedule

  14. Click select, and then click finalize to add schedule.