Managing Credentials

How to add, delete o modify a user credential (face template, card, mobile or cloud key)

After creating a user, you can assign credentials, which enable the user to unlock authorized doors using the following methods:

  1. Face - A frictionless experience where users can enroll on the device or through a self-enroll selfie link sent via email or text.
  2. Card or Key FOB - Assign NFC, Mifare cards, or FOBS (note that encryption on Mifare cards may limit compatibility).
  3. Cloud Key - Assign a link to the user, sent by email or text, granting access to specific doors based on the user's assigned schedule. Ideal for providing temporary guest access with a predetermined expiration time.
  4. Mobile - With the Alocity 1iD mobile app, available for iOS and Android, users can conveniently open doors using their smartphone.


To add a face credential using our selfie-enroll feature, which enables users to receive an email or text message with a link to take a selfie photo that will be used as their face credential:

  1. Go to the Users module on the main menu on the left.
  2. Select the user. 
  3. Scroll down to credentials.
  4. Under Face, select Selfie Enroll Invitation.
  5. On the next page, select Selfie Enrollment Invitation from the top right button.
  6. Checkmark the email and mobile number boxes to send the link to the user's email and text message..
  7. Enter a valid expiration time for the selfie link.
  8. Click Send.


To add a face credential using smartphone (recommended) or webcam:

  1. Go to the Users module on the main menu on the left.
  2. Select the user. 
  3. Select Add.
  4. On the next page, follow the best practice to take a photo and click "Take Photo."
  5. The photo will be analyzed for optimal use and quality metrics.
  6. A message displaying "Done" will appear or an error message will appear stating "We were unable to process the photo. Please try again."


To add a face credential on the F3D100 device:

  1. Go to the Users module on the main menu on the left.
  2. Select the user. 
  3. Scroll down to credentials.
  4. Under Face, select Add using a device. This will enable the user to enroll on a door device.
  5. From the dropdown list, select the device you wish to enroll on.
  6. Click on Select, which will initiate the enrollment process.
  7. The device will sound "Beginning face enrollment, please stand in front of the camera."
  8. The user must stand 2-3 feet away from the camera.
  9. Once the face is captured, the device LED will turn green.


To add a Card or Key FOB on the device.

  1. Go to the Users module on the main menu on the left.
  2. Select the user. 
  3. Scroll down to credentials
  4. Go to Card  - Select Add using a device. This allows you to enroll the card on the device.
  5. From the dropdown list, select the device you wish to enroll on.
  6. Click on Select, this will start the enrollment process. 

The device will sound “Beginning Card enrollment, please hold your card up to the device”

Once the card data is read, the device LED will turn green.


To add a Card or Key FOB manually

  1. Go to the Users module on the main menu on the left.
  2. Select the user. 
  3. Scroll down to credentials
  4. Go to Card  - Select Add Manually. This allows you to enter the card number manually.
  5. Enter the facility code and card number 
  6. Click save to enroll the card.


To add a Cloud Key 

  1. Go to the Users module on the main menu on the left.
  2. Select the user. 
  3. Scroll down to credentials
  4. Go to Cloud Key and Click Add
  5. Select how to send the cloud key link Email and/or Text (this will email or text to the phone number registered to this user.
  6. Select the valid time period for this cloud key link.
  7. If you want to add a one time use, select use one time only.
  8. The user will receive an email or text with the link and a pin number 

             Note: The user will be able to open only the doors assigned in the schedule for this user.


To add a Mobile Credential

  1. Go to the Users module on the main menu on the left.
  2. Select the user. 
  3. Scroll down to credentials
  4. Go to Mobile Credentials and click add and confirm by clicking yes when prompted.
  5. The user will receive a welcome email and instructions to download the app and set up his credential.

NOTE: The user will be able to open only the doors assigned in the schedule for this user.