Admin Operation of the Video Intercom via the Web (PC or Tablet)

How to operate the video intercom included in the Alocity devices via the Web App in Alocity Control Center

The Alocity video intercom system is a powerful multimedia (video and 2-way audio) communication tool offering active and passive monitoring features. This guide will walk you through the practical steps for using these functions efficiently.

Active Monitoring via Video Wall:

Engage in active monitoring by overseeing up to 4 devices simultaneously using the video wall.

Initiating Active Monitoring:

  1. Access the system interface and navigate to the Video Wall section.
  2. Click on the add door button and select the devices you want to monitor actively.
  3. Click on the indicated icon to take a snapshot, initiate activate 2-way audio and unlock the door remotely.

Seamless Monitoring and Interaction: Once added to the video wall, you can monitor and interact with users at 4 doors using your laptop or tablet without the need for physical calling stations, all at the same time seamlessly.


  • The window of the monitored device will blink blue when a user pushes the doorbell button. 
  • To enhance your viewing experience, you can click on the blue icon on the top right corner to enable full screen visualization.

Active Monitoring via Dashboard:

Actively monitor a specific device through the dashboard.

Monitoring a Specific Device:

  1. Access the dashboard and navigate to the Door Control section.
  2. Scroll down to locate the specific device you want to monitor actively.
  3. Click on the "Live Video" button to initiate real-time monitoring.
  4. Click on the microphone button to activate two-way communication and the green "Unlock" button to remotely unlock the door.



Passive Monitoring via Push Notification:

Enable passive monitoring by receiving push notifications.

Configuring Push Notifications:

  1. Click on "Doors" in the main menu.
  2. Select the specific door for which you want to enable push notifications.
  3. Navigate to the "Others" tab within the door settings.
  4. Switch on the push notifications toggle.
  5. Ensure that both "Enable Video" and "Enable Audio" options are switched on.
  6. Click on "Save" in each of the sections to confirm the changes.


  • After setting this up, you will see a small rectangle notification regardless of the section of the software you are in. Clicking on the notification will prompt you to the live video window.
  • Push notifications are compatible with Windows and Android browser notifications. For more information, contact support.