Request to exit button

How to confiugure a (REX) request to exit button

If you are adding a request to exit (REX) button, here you can configure the settings.

  1. Select Doors from the menu
  2. Select the door/device from the list
  3. Go to the Settings Tab
  4. From the Exit button position dropdown list, select the following:
    1. None- If no exit button will be used
    2. Internal - If you are going to connect the REX button to the F3D100’s input.
    3. External - if you are going to connect the REX button to the external Alocity I/O controller.
  5. Next select the exit button contact type from the dropdown list.
    1. Normally Open - Is a contact that does not flow current in its normal state. Energizing it and switching it on will close the contact, causing it to allow current flow.
    2. Normally Closed - Is a contact that flows current in its normal state. Energizing it and switching it on will open the contact, causing it to not allow current flow.
  6. To save click on update.