How To Change The Name Of The Default Site/ Add New Sites
Sites are physical locations (like buildings, offices) made up of zones and doors. You must create a site for every location where you have Alocity devices installed. This allows you to scope which devices are accessible to each user or group.
When the account is created a default site is created as well. To change the name of the default site:
- Go to Settings
- Select Sites
- From the list, Click on Default Site
- Under Name, change the name of the site
- Add description of the site
- Select the proper Time Zone for this site. This will set the device's time according to the site.
- Click Update
- Select Sites
- Click on Add Site
- Under Name, change the name of the site
- Add description of the site
- Select the proper Time Zone for this site. This will set the device's time according to the site.
Click Create