Site Management

How To Change The Name Of The Default Site/ Add New Sites

Sites are physical locations (like buildings, offices) made up of zones and doors. You must create a site for every location where you have Alocity devices installed. This allows you to scope which devices are accessible to each user or group.

When the account is created a default site is created as well. To change the name of the default site:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Sites
  3. From the list, Click on Default Site
  4. Under Name, change the name of the site
  5. Add description of the site
  6.  Select the proper Time Zone for this site. This will set the device's time according to the site.
  7.  Click Update
To add a new site go to Settings
  1. Select Sites
  2. Click on Add Site
  3. Under Name, change the name of the site
  4. Add description of the site
  5. Select the proper Time Zone for this site. This will set the device's time according to the site.
    Click Create