Connecting an Exit / REX Button

How to make the wiring to connect the Alocity AI-1000 Intercom to an Exit/REX Button

Exit buttons, also known as Request-to-Exit (REX) buttons, are an essential part of access control systems, providing a way for authorized users to exit a secured area without requiring a credential or access card. When connecting an exit/REX button to your Alocity AI-1000 Intercom or access control system, follow the manufacturer's wiring and configuration instructions to ensure proper functionality. A properly connected exit/REX button helps maintain security while allowing authorized users to easily and safely exit a secured area.

Follow these steps to properly wire the Alocity AI-1000 Intercom to an Exit/REX Button:

  1. Locate the pigtail wire labeled WG/Door
  2. Connect the Input 1 (Brown) wire to the positive (+) wire on the exit button.
  3. Connect the Ground (Black) wire to the negative (-) wire on the exit button.

Note: To configure the Exit/REX button in your access control system, please consult the Alocity Software User Guide. This guide provides clear instructions on how to set up and adjust the Exit/REX button settings within the software to ensure proper functionality and security.